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    Two people sitting on a bench viewing an installation of neon text on a wall
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    Sunset of downtown Portland with Mt. Hood in the background.
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    Two people looking at artwork hanging on a wall.
    Neque porro quisquam est qui dolorem ipsum quia dolor sit amet, consectetur, adipisci velit.
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    A group of dancers performing in a gallery space.
  • A large square work composed of circuit boards in various shades of green pieced together like a quilt and connected with brass wire.

    Throughlines embraces wonder and curiosity, bringing together artworks from across the Museum’s collections to explore the range of artistic innovation.

  • Psychedelic poster with blue background and pink and green foreground.

    Overview Psychedelic Rock Posters and Fashion of the 1960s reveals the passion and creativity of the era through the iconic rock posters of San Francisco and beyond. The Haight-Ashbury neighborhood […]

  • Exhibitions Partner events

    Please note, that this exhibition takes place in Venice, Italy. Visit the official website. Overview The Portland Art Museum and SITE Santa Fe, in cooperation with the U.S. Department of […]


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