
Cinema Unbound Heroes: Rose Bond

Photo of Rose Bond standing at a clear podium with a large screen in the background. Rose has short gray hair, wears black glasses, and is wearing a dark button up shirt and a large dark coat. Rose's left hand out outstretched toward the mic. A large fern grows in front of the podium. The purple screen behind has a photo of rose and reads rose BOND. cinema UNBOUND NW Film Center 43 PIfF.

Spotlight on Rose Bond, creator of internationally recognized, large-scale, site-specific animations

Rose Bond contains multitudes. In a town known for its animation talents, she has helped redefine how immersive, collaborative, and Unbound it can be. With her work, animation happens on walls, curtains, dances through thin air. It envelops you and comes alive, moving you where you least expect it.

Not limited by what animation “should” say or how it “should” be seen, Rose Bond kicks ass. She’s been rewriting the rules for years, fighting for whom, by whom and how animated arts are created.

Rose pushes her students and the world at large to see animation arts as an intersectional and vital art form that lives not on a screen, but everywhere amongst us. A practice which can illuminate the stories we might not often hear. Whether animating abandoned storefront windows or working in concert with the symphony, she makes the usual, the everyday come alive with magic, heart and creative vision of someone with a deep understanding of mystery, of what it’s like to walk through our town and our world fully alive.

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