
Create More Resilience

Join five artists on a creative journey to discover, celebrate, and share the amazing, unique, powerful, and lovable you. Portland Art Museum is excited to partner once again with Create More, Fear Less and artists from many backgrounds and disciplines to provide video workshops for youth on how to build emotional resilience through creative practices.

We know we are living through exceptionally challenging times. Children and teens are carrying the enormous stress of this moment—which in many cases also includes loss and trauma. The arts can play an important role in sustaining students and creating community in a remote learning environment.

Each artist has created a series of eight, resilience-building workshop videos for teachers, counselors, and parents to share with students of all ages:

Own and celebrate your history, culture, experiences, and voice with storyteller Chris Williams.
Embrace imperfection and self-compassion with cartoonist Jonathan Hill.
Build your self-esteem and inner strength through affirmations and movement with dancer Bethany Harvey.
Reinvent connection in this time of distance with artist Kelsey Snook.
Find your inner power through radical acceptance and gratitude with artist Patricia Vázquez (in Spanish)

While these workshops were created for youth, we think they have something to offer all of us. Explore the entire video playlist and unlock your creative power!

Educators, join us for a live workshop Social-Emotional Learning and the Arts for Meaningful Student Engagement on October 8 at 5 p.m.

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