
Equity and Inclusion Update May 2021

In an effort to increase communication and transparency around equity and inclusion work at the Portland Art Museum and Northwest Film Center, the Equity Team will be sharing semi-regular updates here on the blog.

We are committed to bringing the entire organization along on the path of racial equity learning and change. We acknowledge, however, that this institution-wide goal can slow our progress in making changes that have the biggest impact on BIPOC staff and community. We also continue to reflect on the ways that our work is constrained by white supremacy culture norms such as perfectionism, worship of the written word, either/ or thinking, and fear of conflict. Our hope is that by sharing authentically, we can be held accountable to this work. 

The Equity Team recently welcomed three new members, which brings the team to 17 members: 14 staff, two volunteer docents, and one board of trustees member. Of the team members, nine identify as Black, Indigenous, or person of color (BIPOC), and eight identify as white. The Equity Team charter outlines the parameters for membership, including a requirement for balance of racial identity whereby there cannot be more white members than members of color. The new members come from a range of job roles, which is another goal of team membership makeup. 

The full Equity Team meets two times a month for two hours, and some members also participate in planning committees and other workgroups, often amounting to an extra 35 hours of work or more per month. Equity work at the Museum and Film Center is not done exclusively by the Equity Team. Many staff members from across departments engage regularly with equity issues and integrate equity in their work daily. 

Below is a snapshot of recent projects and initiatives that highlight the ongoing equity work being done at this time.

Exhibitions, programs, and partnerships 

Internal and staff updates

Read the Museum and Film Center’s equity statement, and learn more.

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