Artist Fellowships honor Oregon’s professional artists and their achievements while supporting efforts to advance their careers. Oregon Media Arts Fellowships provide financial and other support for production expenses to enable Oregon film or video artists to create or complete new work or works-in-progress. Review panels look for Oregon artists of outstanding talent, demonstrated ability and commitment to the creation of new work.
The complete Oregon Media Arts Fellowship guidelines are available for download through the following link –
ONLINE APPLICATION *Please download and read guidelines before applying.
The Arts Commission or Northwest Film Center have final determination on eligibility and may request more information as necessary.
At the time of application, all applicants must:
• Be 18 years of age or older;
• Not be enrolled in a creative degree-bearing program either part-time or full-time;
• Submit an individual application. Joint applications from two or more artists are not accepted. While the Arts Commission and Northwest Film Center acknowledge many artists work collaboratively, awards will be made only to individual artists.
• Have been domiciled in Oregon for at least one year (Domicile is a person’s fixed, permanent and principal home for legal purposes);
• Have not received a Media Arts Fellowship or any Oregon Arts Commission Fellowship in the prior five years; and
• Submit only one Fellowship application per year.
The fellowship is funded by The Oregon Arts Commission. The Northwest Film Center/Portland Art Museum administers the Media Arts Fellowship program. Applications are accepted bi-annually.
For questions, please e-mail
See Past Oregon Media Arts Fellowships