
Write Around PAM: Jacob Lawrence

This piece by Jacob Lawrence is full of activity, of working and building, of creating something new. The energy of the piece invites us to engage with it, to put ourselves in the scene. What do we hear? What conversations are taking place? We invite you to spend some time imagining and then writing down the conversations you might overhear in this space. Before or after you write, learn more about Lawrence’s life and work from the Phillips Collection’s The Migration Series and the MET’s recent exhibition Jacob Lawrence: The American Struggle.

We have two prompts to help you get started. As always, you can choose one, both, or write whatever else comes. Set a timer for 7 mins and just keep your pen or pencil moving.

“Can you pass me that?” / “Hold on tight…”

Writing in community is powerful. We are grateful to our longtime partner Write Around Portland for the writing prompts and inspiration. You can revisit past Sunday posts and look for continuing weekly posts through the winter. Please share your work with us! @writearoundpdx @portlandartmuseum #RespectWritingCommunity #WriteAroundPAM 

Jacob Lawrence, Workshop, 1972, color lithograph on paper, Museum Purchase: Caroline Ladd Pratt Fund, © artist or other rights holder, 86.58

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