Shoes evoke movement. Travel. Connection. Style. And, for these penny loafers, the weight of history and Lincoln’s legacy. We invite you to spend some time writing today, stepping into your own creativity and imagination with inspiration from this piece by Sonya Clark. Before or after you write, take some time to learn about Clark’s life and art.⠀
We have some prompts to help you get started. You can choose one, both or follow your own adventure. Set a timer for 6 minutes and just keep the pen moving.
The sound of footsteps… / On the path…
Writing in community is powerful. We are grateful to our longtime partner Write Around Portland for the writing prompts and inspiration. You can revisit past posts from Sundays in May and June and look for continuing weekly posts in July and August. Please share your work with us! @writearoundpdx @portlandartmuseum #RespectWritingCommunity #WriteAroundPAM #sonyaclar

Sonya Clark, Penny Loafers, 2010, copper and pennies, Museum Purchase: Funds provided by Barbara Christy Wagner, © unknown, research required, 2017.76.1a,b