
Write Around PAM: Yoshida Fujio

Nasturtium, Yoshida Fujio, 14 ¾ x 9 5/8, color woodblock print on paper. A vertical, rectangular print depicting an abstract, closeup view of a nasturtium flower’s petals. Undulating swirls of reds, rusts, yellows and green over a white background fill the print. Starting at top, a large petal folds over itself from the left towards the center. The petal is composed of stripes of yellows, peach, and rust that meet at a point toward the center leaving a large white teardrop shape and a crescent shape in white. At right, a large petal bows towards the center of the print in deep peach and red hues. Its shape is mirrored at left with another petal meeting the other at center in similar colors. Another large teardrop shape is positioned at bottom center. The overall effect is one of swirling, organic shapes and colors

As young children we are often asked what our favorite color is. Colors are some of the first words we learn and they help us describe the world around us. And while we may no longer commit to a “favorite” color, we recognize when we’re drawn to hues and how they make us feel. Colors can calm, energize, evoke memories, improve our mood, signal a season, and so much more. This week, as we continue our slide into fall and leaves shift from greens to reds, yellows and oranges, we invite you to take some time with this piece by Yoshida Fujio, noticing what the colors here evoke for you. Before or after you write, take some time to learn more about Yoshida Fujio’s life and art.⠀

We have some prompts to help you get started. You can choose one, both, or follow your own adventure. Set a timer for 8 minutes and just keep the pen moving. 

Orange feels like…/ The colors swirl…

Writing in community is powerful. We are grateful to our longtime partner Write Around Portland for the writing prompts and inspiration. You can revisit past posts from the summer, and look for continuing weekly posts through the fall. Please share your work with us! @writearoundpdx @portlandartmuseum #RespectWritingCommunity #WriteAroundPAM  

Yoshida Fujio, Nasturtium, 1954, color woodblock print on paper, Gift of Travers Hill Polak, © unknown, research required, 2015.32.2

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