Over the past year, artists David Allen Burns and Austin Young have built relationships across communities in Portland to create and collaborate on a range of works that speak to the history of the region, using the iconic Northwest apple as their lens. Join us for a day- long exploration of this ambitious project, Fallen Fruit of Portland, which includes the opening of their large-scale exhibition Paradise as well as various artist commissions and other fruitful experiences.
A Day in Paradise confirmed artists include Natalie Ball, William Cravis, Bruce Conkle, Tahni Holt, Horatio Law, Jess Perlitz, DeAngelo Raines,and Caldera Youth.
Download the A Day in Paradise brochure and map
All activities will be free as part of Miller Family Free Day.
Noon – 4pm
In one day the public, along with David Burns and Austin Young, will use fruit and its metaphors to create a limited edition contemporary culture magazine. Fruit Magazine‘s Portland specific content will feature native languages and visual vocabularies that reflect Portland’s diversity. “Fruit Magazine” will be published as a downloadable PDF accessible at www.CalderaArts.org/FallenFruitPDX and www.fallenfruit.org/fallenfruitmagazine.
1 & 3pm
Building on the mythological idea of Eve eating the apple in the Garden of Eden, this is a solo dance performance that walks the fault line between rejected female stereotypes and embodied expression, wrestling with first impressions, assumptions and associations, motherhood, sensationalism, emotionality, sexuality, an image/timebound body, and the body in the present moment. Sound Score and technical support by Luke Wyland.
Natalie will facilitate War Hooping as used in battle by Native Americans across the country. Also known as a battle cry, Li-Li is a vocal projection used for intimidation, celebration, and energy charge. Women use Lii-Lii which is a tongue/vocal projection that is LOUD! They still do them today. Natalie will bring people from her tribe to do Lii-Lii, but everyone in the attendance will be invited to participate with them.
Noon – 4pm
South Parks Block by the equestrian statue of Theodore Roosevelt across from Portland Art Museum
Portland bicyclists become temporary “living statues” in the South Parks neighborhood, alongside the equestrian statue of Theodore Roosevelt. A small replica of the concrete plinth supporting the Roosevelt statue will be placed near to the original. Bicyclists will be invited to become temporary “living statues” atop the miniature plinth, which will be photographed. These urban bicyclists will be displayed as today’s heroes – contemporary mavericks who play an active role in reducing the threat of global climate change. Photos will be placed online so that participants can download them.
Noon – 4pm
South Parks Blocks at the Lincoln Statue
With the belief that barriers to identification can be overcome, DeAngelo Raines proposes a performative social engagement installation to exhibit multiple handshakes from 7 different archetypes of the adult African-American Male.
11am – 4pm (ending at the Museum)
The route for the rock will begin near the Hawthorne Bridge moving along the Eastbank Esplanade, over the Tilikum Crossing, ending at the Art Museum.
For a day, along the west shore of the Willamette River in Portland, the artist will be a rock and will move other rocks, engaging with the surrounding world. Inspired by landscape and landscaping, landmarks and monuments, natural disaster and our never ending attempts for control, this piece will be an action that unfolds over the course of 5 hours. The rock will have arms and legs available so that it may move other similar objects, rest, and engage with people as needed. The rock does not talk. But it does try to communicate through music, action, and presence. Stay tuned to @jess_perlitz on Twitter for the rock’s whereabouts.
All day
Throughout the Park Blocks through January 17
These selected portraits are sourced from a volume of police arrest mug shots found in the City of Portland Archives collections. Created by the Division of Identification, now the Police Identification Division, the photos date between 1947 and 1954. The body of works is presented as a photographic installation in public space that unmasks issues of humanity often camouflaged by social stereotypes and ill-repute of “the other.” The large scale black and white photographic portraits have been installed throughout the Park Blocks of Downtown Portland the same historic locations where people have been arrested for “vagrancy” or other social crimes. “The Division of Identification” is part of Fallen Fruit of Portland presented by Caldera through a Creative Heights grant from the Oregon Community Foundation. Caldera students will interview the public and each other about reactions to the portraits for broadcast on KBOO.
Saturday, October 24 – Friday, November 13
Wieden+Kennedy Gallery (224 NW 13th Ave. Portland, OR 97209)
The Culture of We showcases the power of creativity through the voices of Caldera students. Caldera mentors and youth will meet with Fallen Fruit at the Portland Art Museum, as they install Paradise, and learn how they curate their exhibitions. Students will then take that learning back to the Wieden+Kennedy Gallery, where they will curate their own student companion exhibition, The Culture of We. Fallen Fruit will develop another custom-designed, apple-themed wallpaper upon which Caldera student work will be displayed. Hung salon-style, artwork will create a dialogue of how the individual contributes to community while reflecting unique youth perspectives, reactions, and inspirations. This exhibition highlights Caldera’s focus on the integration of art and nature and the powerful work Caldera does with special guest artists like Fallen Fruit.
Plus more! Learn more about all of the A Day in Paradise activities times and locations.
- Paradise Lost, Bruce Conkle
- Sweet Nothings and Other Stories, Aaron Lish
- Rock Moving Rocks, Jess Perlitz
- Urban Fruit Trails, November 14