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Getting a Feel for Art: Tactile Art Pop-Up Gallery

Oct 18, 2019
12:00 pm - 7:00 pm
1219 SW Park Ave, Portland, OR
General accessibility

Experience the tactile art of local blind, partially sighted, and sighted artists. Art on display will include scenes and images made from reclaimed wood, wood turned objects, encaustic paintings, hand woven articles, sculptures made from a variety of materials, and many others. Visit between the hours of 12-7 and take your time to explore each piece of work.

Tours with visual descriptions, discussion, and when possible tactile exploration of items in the special exhibition, Hank Willis Thomas: All Things Being Equal… will be available throughout the day. Watch the Facebook event page and Museum website calendar event for registration links for these tours.

If you have any access needs please contact Becky Emmert, Head of Accessibility at Portland Art Museum. Please request interpreters or captioning three weeks prior to the event.