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Portland’s Next Horizon: 7 Projects that Will Redefine the Central City

Feb 2, 2025
2:00 pm - 4:00 pm
1119 SW Park Ave, Portland, OR
Kridel Grand Ballroom
General accessibility

The Portland Art Museum is pleased to co-host a wide-ranging and inspiring conversation that looks at Portland’s future through seven transformative projects shaping the Central City. From restorative justice and seismic resilience to urban design innovations, hear from the leaders building Portland’s next chapter.

Presentations will include:

Albina Vision Trust: Executive Director Winta Yohannes and Director of Government Affairs JT Flowers offer a look at the largest restorative redevelopment project in the US. 

OMSI District: Executive Director Erin Graham presents the 24-acre redevelopment, waterfront education park, and Center for Tribal Nations that will redefine the Central Eastside 

Broadway Corridor: Prosper Portland’s Director of Development and Investment Lisa Abuaf details the new parks and a net-zero housing project for 14-acre former USPS site. 

Green Loop: PBOT’s Deputy Director of Projects Art Pearce offers a glimpse at the sections taking shape for the 7-mile, bike/pedestrian corridor that will link the central city’s neighborhoods. 

Portland Art Museum – Campus Transformation: Museum Director Brian Ferriso shares updates on the new public spaces and galleries under construction on the South Park Blocks

Lloyd Center: Urban Renaissance’s Tom Kilbane details the latest plans for the 29-acre Lloyd Center redevelopment. 

Made in Old Town: Field State’s Matthew Claudel offers a look out how the next generation of footwear and apparel design reshape Old Town.

Earthquake-Ready Burnside Bridge: Landscape architect Carol Mayer-Reed, FASLA, principal with Mayer/Reed, will look beyond the critical seismic resiliency to the urban design improvements and connections the towering new bridge will bring.

Accessibility: The venue is mobility device accessible. American Sign Language/English Interpretation will be provided. Automated real-time captioning will be available near the stage. FM compatible assisted listening devices will be available. 

If you have other accessibility requests please send your request with at least two weeks notice to access@pam.org or leave a voicemail at 503-276-4284.

Ticketing:  Tickets must be reserved through PDX Design Collaborative and can be reserved via EventbriteTickets are available on a sliding scale $5-20, students are free. 

A reception will follow at the City of Possibility exhibition (JK Gill Building, SW Fifth Avenue & Harvey Milk Blvd)

This talk is organized by PDX Design Collaborative and in conjunction with its City of Possibility exhibition