
2019 Monster Drawing Rally – Part 6

Monster Drawing Rally
2019 Montser Drawing Rally - Part 6
Art Unbound
2019 Monster Drawing Rally - Part 6

Since 2015, the Monster Drawing Rally has been a highlight of the Museum’s summer events. This year, we hosted an outpost for The Portland Art Museum Podcast and invited people to stop by and answer a 4-minute flash round of interview questions about their experience. All were welcome to stop by and we managed to capture the voices of artists, art collectors, passers-by, and even kids for this series of MDR episodes. The Monster Drawing Rally is a fundraising effort to provide free youth education programs at the Museum.

This is the 6th and final episode in the Monster Drawing Series. Be sure to go back and listen to all of the other episodes for a complete picture of the event!

Featured in this episode

Emma Ganger-Spivak, Portland Art Museum Podcast Intern
Jordan Marzka
Hunter Piper
Jill Storthz

Produced by Jon Richardson & Emma Ganger-Spivak
Intro/Outro music by Jon Richardson
All other music by Mark Orton

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