
The French American Museum Exchange

View of European art gallery
Art Unbound
Art Unbound
The French American Museum Exchange

In this episode, Brian Ferriso, The Portland Art Museum’s Executive Director and Chief Curator, has a conversation about directing a museum during a time of civil unrest, a climate crisis, and a global pandemic with his counterpart at the Musée des Beaux-Arts in Rouen, Normandy, Sylvain Amic.

This episode is part of a series brought to you by FRAME, the French American Museum Exchange, of which both the Portland Art Museum and the Musée des Beaux-Arts, Rouen are proud members. FRAME has a rich history of connecting museums in its network through exhibitions and education programs for over 20 years. FRAME provided grant funding for a series of podcast episodes and we are thrilled to be able to tell these stories with FRAME’s assistance.

Featured in this episode

Brian Ferriso – Executive Director and Chief Curator, Portland Art Museum
Sylvain AmicConservateur en chef, Directeur de la Réunion des Musées Métropolitains

Produced by Jon Richardson
Music by Mark Orton

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