
Daily Art Moment: Wally Dion

Green Star Quilt, Wally Dion, 75 5/8 x 70, circuit boards, brass wire, copper tube. A large square work composed of circuit boards in various shades of green pieced together like a quilt and connected with brass wire. At center, the circuit boards have been cut into diamond shapes and pieced to form an eight-pointed star. Further diamond shapes surround this star and radiate outward until they create a large star that almost fills the entire work. A thin gold line encompasses the large star forming a square. A border of more circuit boards completes the work. Many shades of green make up the different boards and they are heavily textured with silver and brass colored workings. Small silver balls in rows or patterns dominate the boards along with other metallic geometric shapes. Etched lines in patterns feature in most of the green boards.

“With the vivid, sculptural work, ‘Green Star Quilt,’ artist Wally Dion has cleverly transformed ordinary materials that most people rely upon every day, but do not notice, into a bold work of art. The star pattern is evocative of the quilting tradition practiced among many Native communities in the United States and Canada, but this quilt is constructed with repurposed computer circuit boards. Like a conventional quilt, each piece is stitched together, though Dion used wire instead of thread. The resulting sculptural work plays with our expectations: soft, comforting cloth has been replaced with rigid material and the surface is visually complex with a multitude of mechanical, sharp protrusions.”

Kathleen Ash-Milby, Curator of Native American Art

“My Star Blanket quilts are sewn together using recycled computer motherboards. While these works re-examine the importance of craft and skilled labor, they also focus upon the crucial role women played within Indigenous communities: as nurturers, gatherers, teachers, and leaders. For me, these quilts merge traditional symbols with contemporary materials, speaking to the opportunity, and potential menace, presented by technology.”


Wally Dion (Canadian and Yellow Quill First Nation/Saulteaux, born 1976). Green Star Quilt, 2019. Circuit boards, brass wire, copper tube. Museum Purchase: Funds provided in memory of Brian Gross, 2020.1.1


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