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Daily Art Moment: Gordon W. Gilkey
“Raise your hand if you love mountains! During this time of social distancing and sunny weather, Northwesterners are taking to the trails with alacrity. Here in Oregon and Washington, we […]
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Daily Art Moment: Warja Honegger-Lavater
“Can you tell an entire story using only colored dots? Swiss artist Warja Honegger-Lavater was up for the task, unfurling the story of Little Red Riding Hood in just four […]
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Daily Art Moment: Claes Oldenburg
“We all deserve a treat during the dog days of August, and who better to serve it up than artworld prankster, Claes Oldenburg? Oldenburg humorously transforms familiar things through shifts […]
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Daily Art Moment: Elizabeth Catlett
“Not all art belongs on walls. Artists’ books are designed to be held by the viewer, creating an intimate and tactile relationship between the art and the onlooker. Often paired […]
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Daily Art Moments: Albert Besnard
“In late nineteenth-century Paris, morphine, a powerful opiate, was both legal and widespread. Although addiction afflicted all classes of society, artists were particularly fond of depicting fashionable women as part […]
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Daily Art Moment: Odilon Redon
“Symbolist artist Odilon Redon was fascinated by the microscopic world that surrounds us. His fantastic prints, drawings, and paintings often feature bizarre depictions inspired by the unseen universe. His goal, […]
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Daily Art Moment: Leopoldo Méndez
“Today marks the anniversary of the historic Battle of Puebla of 1862, in which underequipped and outnumbered Mexican troops defeated the French army under Napoleon III, who were fighting to […]
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Daily Art Moment: Corita Kent
“Corita Kent—artist, educator, nun, and social activist—was a woman who faced the turmoil of the 1960s with courage, wit, and strength. This screenprint exhorts us to HANDLE WITH CARE, which […]
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Daily Art Moment: Paul Elie Ranson
“As a curator, I carry around a huge mental image bank of art. This professional hazard means that just about everything reminds me of a print, drawing, or painting. So […]