
Back to School Resources

Jamie Sabo, Age 4, Journal On! Artist

Welcome to a new school year unlike any other! Here at the Museum, we feel sad that we will not see throngs of students jostling to get in the front doors—at least for the foreseeable future. But we are excited to connect with educators, parents, and students at all levels through distance learning resources and virtual programs. Visit the Educator Resources page to deepen your knowledge of art at the Museum through the Poster Project, including teacher-created lessons and activities in language arts, social science, science, and art. Encourage students to reflect on and express their experiences through art and writing prompts at Journal On! and Write Around PAM. Explore new online exhibitions, videos, and learning resources for Volcano! and Art and Race Matters and look for additional exhibition-related curriculum in the coming weeks.

We know that, during these difficult times, teachers and school districts have made social-emotional learning a priority. We believe the arts can play an important role in helping all of us, students and educators alike, to develop internal resilience and to create community even in a remote learning environment. We’ll explore this subject on October 1 in our first Educator Workshop of the year, and in the coming weeks, in partnership with Create More, Fear Less, the Museum will launch a series of artist videos exploring creative practices for building emotional resilience and perseverance. 

Finally, while we are not currently able to schedule class visits due to COVID-19 restrictions, we do encourage older students and educators to visit the Museum independently and younger students to visit with their families. (You may want to print and bring along our Gallery Bingo Cards for use in the Native American and Impressionist galleries.) Reserve your tickets and learn about the Museum’s safety protocols.

Thank you, teachers and families, for continuing to integrate the Museum into your students’ learning! We are grateful to be part of your community.

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