Mary Ann Peters: the map is not the territory
On this episode of the Portland Art Museum Podcast, we present the audio interview of Mary Ann Peters, edited only for pauses in the conversation and chatter between Mary Ann […]
Charlene Vickers: the map is not the territory
On this episode of the Portland Art Museum Podcast, we present the audio interview of Charlene Vickers, edited only for pauses in the conversation and chatter between Charlene and the interviewer. The other voice you will hear is Grace Kook-Anderson, the Arlene and Harold Schnitzer of Northwest Art and curator of the map is not the territory.
Henry Tsang: the map is not the territory
On this episode of the Portland Art Museum Podcast, we present the audio interview of Henry Tsang, edited only for pauses in the conversation and chatter between Henry and the interviewer. The other voice you will hear is Grace Kook-Anderson, the Arlene and Harold Schnitzer of Northwest Art and curator of “the map is not the territory.”
Fernanda D’Agostino: the map is not the territory
On this episode of the Portland Art Museum Podcast, we present the audio interview of Fernanda D'Agostino, edited only for pauses in the conversation and chatter between Fernanda and the interviewer. The other voice you will hear is Grace Kook-Anderson, the Arlene and Harold Schnitzer of Northwest Art and curator of “the map is not the territory."
Jenny Irene Miller: the map is not the territory
On this episode of the Portland Art Museum Podcast, we present the audio interview of Jenny Irene Miller, edited only for pauses in the conversation and chatter between Jenny Irene and the interviewer. The other voice you will hear is Grace Kook-Anderson, the Arlene and Harold Schnitzer of Northwest Art and curator of “the map is not the territory.”
Rob Rhee: the map is not the territory
On this episode of the Portland Art Museum Podcast, we present the audio interview of Rob Rhee, edited only for pauses in the conversation and chatter between Rob and the interviewer. The other voice you will hear is Grace Kook-Anderson, the Arlene and Harold Schnitzer of Northwest Art and curator of “the map is not the territory.”
Annette Bellamy: the map is not the territory
On this episode of the Portland Art Museum Podcast, we present the audio interview of Annette Bellamy, edited only for pauses in the conversation and chatter between Annette and the interviewer. The other voice you will hear is Grace Kook-Anderson, the Arlene and Harold Schnitzer of Northwest Art and curator of “the map is not the territory."
Ryan Pierce: the map is not the territory
On this episode of the Portland Art Museum Podcast, we present the audio interview of Ryan Pierce, edited only for pauses in the conversation and chatter between Ryan and the interviewer. The other voice you will hear is Grace Kook-Anderson, the Arlene and Harold Schnitzer of Northwest Art and curator of “the map is not the territory.”
Welcome to the Portland Art Museum Podcast
Welcome to the Portland Art Museum Podcast. On each episode, you will hear first-hand accounts from artists, community partners, and members of the Portland Art Museum family. Mentioned in this […]